updated: 16-03-2020

ilinksolutions Ltd takes the threat posed by the recent coronavirus outbreak seriously, and as such have issued this statement in the interest of wellbeing of our clients, suppliers and employees.


This company policy includes the measures we are actively taking to mitigate the spread of coronavirus. You are kindly requested to follow all these rules diligently, to sustain a healthy and safe workplace in this unique environment. It’s important that we all respond responsibly and transparently to these health precautions. We assure you that we will always treat your private health and personal data with high confidentiality and sensitivity.

This coronavirus (COVID-19) company policy is subject to changes with the introduction of additional governmental guidelines. If so, we will update you as soon as possible on the website and email.


This coronavirus policy applies to all of our employees who physically work in our office(s), remotely, our clients and suppliers. We strongly recommend to our remote working personnel to read through this action plan as well, to ensure we collectively and uniformly respond to this challenge.

Our approach is based on guidance from the following sources and advise you to keep yourself up to date with the latest developments:

  1. The World Health Organization (WHO): https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
  2. UK – Gov.uk: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-information-for-the-public
  3. UK – National Health Service: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
  4. India – Government of India: https://www.india.gov.in/spotlight/combating-coronavirus


We aim to maintain a business-as-usual stance and to continue to meet our obligations to our clients while carefully observing what is likely to be a developing scenario. In doing this, we will take into account governmental advice from the countries in which we operate coupled with our real-world experiences. Should we or one of our customers cancel or curtail any activity, then our standard contractual terms will be applied regarding any payments made or due.

We expect our staff to continue to fulfil their roles and their obligations to our customers. Any changes to this expectation will be informed by government advice and communicated both to staff and to our clients accordingly.

Our offices are closed until further notice in an effort to slow the spread of Covid -19.

In the meantime, you can contact us through email at info@ilinksolutions.co.uk

Please scan in and email letters to us, or alternatively, you can take a photo of the document on your mobile phone and send it through to us at: info@ilinksolutions.co.uk

Staff are no longer visiting our offices, so please communicate with us through email as much as you can.


From a training and consultancy delivery perspective, the business will take the following approach:

  1. We will ask client sites and training venues about concerns around infection.
  2. For staff attending sites where an outbreak has been confirmed or suspected, we will ask the client to confirm that the relevant precautions as identified by federal or international authorities have been taken. Providing this is confirmed by the client, then the work should be discharged as normal.
  3. Where necessary and feasible, we will make arrangements to provide consultancy services remotely.
  4. All of our training courses will now be delivered online/remotely until further notice.

Our other business lines and services that are delivered remotely are unaffected by this policy.